Wednesday 21 December 2016

Feedback on my magazine by peers

Upon reflection on my feedback I am pleased to know my magazine has a clear target audience and that I have correctly applied my content to an effective standard. As well as this I am proud of the response my front cover received as it appears as ‘very appealing’ meaning I have succeeded in my quest of making my front cover desirable.

Furthermore an improvement suggested would be to alter the font of my title to match my masthead and looking back at my work I agree with this suggestion as it will enhance its presence. They also told me that I could make a logo to go with my brand in order to make it more memorable and to add personality to the magazine.

I have been recommended to add individual titles to my page numbers on my contents page which I shall apply to them in order to give more info on each section as well as explaining more in depth what is included on each page. The font I used was inconsistent so a peer suggested I make my magazine more desirable by keeping a recurring font and sticking to it.

My peer concluded that they overall enjoyed what I had to offer and were pleased with my efforts due to its neatness and inviting front cover, however they believe with the additional content they recommended to add that I would have a much more successful outcome.