Wednesday 18 January 2017

Evaluation Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

All media products should have an audience in mind which will have an impact on all decisions made about content and design. Media products use demographics and VALs to determine who their audience is and to understand as much as they can about them. As part of my planning I produced a readership profile similar to the NME profile to understand more about my target audience.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Evaluation Question 2

Representation in the media is a very big concern due to the capability and size of the media and its role in communicating messages to audiences. Social group representation is significant in media products and through my magazine design I have considered how I represented gender, age and a music sub-culture through my mode of address, language, contents, design choices and most significantly my images.

Social Groups definition: "A social group consists of two or more people who interact with one another and who recognize themselves as a distinct social unit. The definition is simple enough, but it has significant implications. Frequent interaction leads people to share values and beliefs. This similarity and the interaction cause them to identify with one another. Identification and attachment, in turn, stimulate more frequent and intense interaction. Each group maintains solidarity with all to other groups and other types of social systems."

Gender: I used a female model for my front cover as they are more inviting, she is covering half her face with just her eyes showing as popular magazine's use this with the intent of seducing the reader through the mysterious wide eyes of an attractive women. I believe this is a neutral view of a woman due to the alluring look accompanied with the covered up face showing she is independent and can deal with things herself. My gender balance throughout is fairly even as I strived for a fair split of male and female models too cover both genders.
Image result for music magazine girl on cover
Age: All of my models are 16-18 years of age and are portrayed as idols of fame, achievement and beauty, this is a stereotypical of the way young people are portrayed in the media. Due to the lack of older people I may have lost the older generations as an audience but this isn't a huge issue as my target market consists of teenagers and young adults meaning the age of my models was in turn a good idea.
Ethnicity: In my magazine I only have pictures of white people which may portray a negative image upon my magazine, however I did not have access to a diverse selection of ethnic backgrounds. Therefor upon reflection, if I had access I would have displayed diverse ethnic groups. On the other hand the genre of music I covered is massively dominated by white culture so it isn't rare to have an indie magazine with a lot of white models.