Thursday 9 February 2017

Evaluation Question 6: What have you learnt about new technologies from the process of constructing this product? progress

Due to the new updated technology of digital cameras it is now very simple to take many high quality photos at a time and select the best ones out of them all whereas 10 years ago it was a lot more time consuming and more challenging to get the right picture that is correctly focused. As time has advanced we have also developed new software with the likes of Photoshop to enhance, alter and deform pictures taken to finalise and sharpen images already taken for them to project a desired effect. Juxtaposing this, 10 years ago once a picture was taken you would just have to stick with it without any editing so it was nearly impossible to get a perfect picture. It has made me aware of how prevalent manipulation is in media products, I personally have learned how to use drop shadows In order to make things bold and stand out, in addition to this I have been taught how to use the lasso tool to accurately and carefully crop images so that they don't have a background.
After this we started utilizing InDesign In order to achieve a professional layout for my contents page by putting the column features to good use and making sure the contents page I made had select sections to make it clear where to find what, if my magazine was to be published.

Monday 6 February 2017

Evaluation Question 5: How did I appeal to and attract my target audience?

Before producing my magazine I conducted some audience research to find out what my audience would like to see in my magazine, I did this by handing out questionnaires to people that fit my target audience and presenting them with my magazine front cover.